if (!defined('entry') || !entry) {
    die('Not a valid page');
/* ===========================

  Sorbet CMS - A PHP based tumblelog CMS forked from Gelato CMS

  Sorbet CMS is a free software licensed under the GPL 3.0

  =========================== */

class util
    public function version()
        return "1.0";

    public function codeName()
        return "Strawberry";

    public function beginsWith($str, $sub)
        return (strpos($str, $sub) === 0);

    public function endsWith($str, $sub)
        return (substr($str, strlen($str) - strlen($sub)) == $sub);

    public function getFileName($fileUrl)
        $path = explode('/', $fileUrl);
        return $path[count($path)-1];

    public function isMP3($fileUrl)
        $util_class = new util();
        if ($util_class->endsWith($fileUrl, ".mp3")) {
            return true;
        } else {
            return false;

    public function getMP3File($remoteFileName)
        $util_class = new util();
        if ($util_class->isMP3($remoteFileName)) {
            if ($util_class->getFile($remoteFileName)) {
                return true;
            } else {
                return false;
        } elseif ($util_class->isGoEar($remoteFileName)) {
            return true;
        } elseif ($util_class->isOdeo($remoteFileName)) {
            return true;
        } else {
            return false;

    public function getGoEarCode($songUrl)
        $pos = strpos($songUrl, "?v=");
        $lon = strlen($songUrl);
        $str = substr($songUrl, $pos + 3, $lon);
        return $str;

    public function isGoEar($songUrl)
        $util_class = new util();
        if ($util_class->beginsWith($songUrl, "http://www.goear.com/listen.php?v=") || $util_class->beginsWith($songUrl, "http://goear.com/listen.php?v=")) {
            return true;
        } else {
            return false;

    public function isOdeo($songUrl)
        $util_class = new util();
        if ($util_class->beginsWith($songUrl, "http://odeo.com/audio/") || $util_class->beginsWith($songUrl, "http://www.odeo.com/audio/")) {
            return true;
        } else {
            return false;

    public function getOdeoCode($songUrl)
        $params = explode("audio/", $songUrl);
        $params2 = explode("/", $params[1]);
        return $params2[0];

    public function isImageFile($photoUrl)
        $util_class = new util();
        if ($util_class->endsWith($photoUrl, ".jpg")) {
            return true;
        } elseif ($util_class->endsWith($photoUrl, ".gif")) {
            return true;
        } elseif ($util_class->endsWith($photoUrl, ".png")) {
            return true;
        } else {
            return false;

    public function getPhotoFile($remoteFileName)
        $util_class = new util();
        if ($util_class->isImageFile($remoteFileName)) {
            if ($util_class->getFile($remoteFileName)) {
                return true;
            } else {
                return false;
        } else {
            return false;

    public function getFile($remoteFileName)
        $util_class = new util();
        $fileName = "../uploads/".$util_class->sanitizeName($util_class->getFileName($remoteFileName));
        $str = $util_class->_file_get_contents($remoteFileName);
        if (!$handle = fopen($fileName, 'w')) {
            //die("no se abrio de escritura");
            return false;

        if (fwrite($handle, $str) === false) {
            //die("no se escribio");
            return false;
        return true;

    public function isVimeoVideo($videoUrl)
        $util_class = new util();
        if ($util_class->beginsWith($videoUrl, "http://vimeo.com/") || $util_class->beginsWith($videoUrl, "http://www.vimeo.com/") || $util_class->beginsWith($videoUrl, "https://vimeo.com/")) {
            return true;
        } else {
            return false;

    public function getVimeoVideoUrl($videoUrl)
        if (substr_count($videoUrl, "clip:")==1) {
            return array_pop(explode("clip:", $videoUrl));
        } else {
            $videoUrl = explode("/", $videoUrl);
            return array_pop($videoUrl);

    public function isYoutubeVideo($videoUrl)
        $url = explode("?", $videoUrl);
        $util_class = new util();
        if (($util_class->beginsWith($url[0], "https://") && $util_class->endsWith($url[0], ".youtube.com/watch")) || $util_class->beginsWith($url[0], "https://youtube.com/watch")) {
            return true;
        } else {
            return false;

    public function getYoutubeVideoUrl($videoUrl)
        $params = explode("?v=", $videoUrl);
        $params2 = explode("&", $params[1]);
        return $params2[0];

    public function isYahooVideo($videoUrl)
        $util_class = new util();
        if ($util_class->beginsWith($videoUrl, "http://video.yahoo.com/watch/") || $util_class->beginsWith($videoUrl, "http://www.video.yahoo.com/watch/")) {
            return true;
        } else {
            return false;

    public function getYahooVideoCode($videoUrl)
        $params = explode("http://video.yahoo.com/watch/", $videoUrl);
        $params2 = explode("/", $params[1]);
        $values[0] = $params2[0];
        $values[1] = $params2[1];
        return $values;

    public function isGoogleVideoUrl($videoUrl)
        $util_class = new util();
        if ($util_class->beginsWith($videoUrl, "http://video.google.com/videoplay?")) {
            return true;
        } else {
            return false;

    public function getGoogleVideoCode($videoUrl)
        $params = explode("?docid=", $videoUrl);
        $params2 = explode("&", $params[1]);
        return $params2[0];

    public function isMTVVideoUrl($videoUrl)
        $util_class = new util();
        if ($util_class->beginsWith($videoUrl, "http://www.mtvmusic.com/video/?id=") || $util_class->beginsWith($videoUrl, "http://mtvmusic.com/video/?id=")) {
            return true;
        } else {
            return false;

    public function getMTVVideoCode($videoUrl)
        $params = explode("?id=", $videoUrl);
        $params2 = explode("&", $params[1]);
        return $params2[0];

    public function isDailymotionVideo($videoUrl)
        $util_class = new util();
        if ($util_class->beginsWith($videoUrl, "http://www.dailymotion.com/video/") || $util_class->beginsWith($videoUrl, "http://dailymotion.com/video/")) {
            return true;
        } else {
            return false;

    public function getDailymotionVideoUrl($videoUrl)
        $params = explode("video/", $videoUrl);
        $params2 = explode("_", $params[1]);
        return $params2[0];

    public function isSlideSharePresentation($videoUrl)
        $util_class = new util();
        if ($util_class->beginsWith($videoUrl, "[slideshare id=")) {
            return true;
        } else {
            return false;

    public function getSlideSharePresentationCode($videoUrl)
        $videoUrl = str_replace("[slideshare id=", "", $videoUrl);
        $videoUrl = str_replace("&doc=", " ", $videoUrl);
        $videoUrl = str_replace("&w=", " ", $videoUrl);
        return explode(" ", $videoUrl);

    public function isVideo($url)
        $util_class = new util();
        if ($util_class->isYoutubeVideo($url)) {
            return true;
        } elseif ($util_class->isVimeoVideo($url)) {
            return true;
        } elseif ($util_class->isDailymotionVideo($url)) {
            return true;
        } elseif ($util_class->isYahooVideo($url)) {
            return true;
        } elseif ($util_class->isSlideSharePresentation($url)) {
            return true;
        } elseif ($util_class->isGoogleVideoUrl($url)) {
            return true;
        } elseif ($util_class->isMTVVideoUrl($url)) {
            return true;
        } else {
            return false;

    public function sendMail($to, $title, $body, $from)
        $rp     = trim($from);
        $org    = "Sorbet CMS";
        $mailer = "Sorbet CMS Mailer";

        $head  = '';
        $head  .= "Content-Type: text/html \r\n";
        $head  .= "Date: ". date('r'). " \r\n";
        $head  .= "Return-Path: $rp \r\n";
        $head  .= "From: $from \r\n";
        $head  .= "Sender: $from \r\n";
        $head  .= "Reply-To: $from \r\n";
        $head  .= "Organization: $org \r\n";
        $head  .= "X-Sender: $from \r\n";
        $head  .= "X-Priority: 3 \r\n";
        $head  .= "X-Mailer: $mailer \r\n";

        $body  = str_replace("\r\n", "\n", $body);
        $body  = str_replace("\n", "\r\n", $body);

        return @mail($to, $title, $body, $head);

    public function getThemes()
        $themes_dir = "themes";
        $dirs = array();
        $path = getcwd();
        $dir = (substr(PHP_OS, 0, 3) == 'WIN') ? $path."\\".$themes_dir : $path."/".$themes_dir;
        $dir = str_replace("admin\\", "", $dir);
        $dir = str_replace("admin/", "", $dir);
        $handle = opendir($dir);
        while ($filename = readdir($handle)) {
            if ($filename != "." && $filename != ".." && $filename != ".svn") {
        return $dirs;

    public function sanitizeName($name)
        $name = preg_replace('/[\'"]/', '', $name);
        $name = preg_replace('/[^a-zA-Z0-9]+/', '-', $name);
        $name = trim($name, '-');
        $name = strtolower($name);
        //HACK: We need to rework the regular expression to allow the dot
        $ext = substr($name, strlen($name)-3, strlen($name));
        $body = substr($name, 0, strlen($name)-4);

        $name = $body.".".$ext;

        return $name;

    public function _file_get_contents($path)
        $util_class = new util();
        // Modified function from:
        //		http://work.dokoku.net/Anieto2k/_file_get_contents.phps
        //		http://www.anieto2k.com/2007/02/09/file_get_contents-y-dreamhost/
        if (!preg_match('/^http/i', $path)) {
            if ($fp = fopen($path, 'r')) {
                return fread($fp, 1024);
            } else {
                return false;
        } else {
            if (extension_loaded('curl') && version_compare($util_class->get_curl_version(), '7.10.5', '>=')) {
                $ch = curl_init();
                $timeout = 5;
                curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_URL, $path);
                curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_RETURNTRANSFER, 1);
                curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_CONNECTTIMEOUT, $timeout);
                $file_contents = curl_exec($ch);
                if (is_string($file_contents)) {
                    return $file_contents;
                } else {
                    return false;
            } else {
                $data = parse_url($path);
                if (!$data['host'] || $data['scheme'] != "http") {
                    return false;

                $f = @fsockopen($data['host'], ($data['port']) ? $data['port'] : 80, $e1, $e2, 3);
                if (!$f) {
                    return false;

                $q = "GET " . $data['path'] . (isset($data['query'])?'?'.$data['query']:'') . " HTTP/1.1\r\n";
                $q .= "Host: " . $data['host'] . "\r\n";
                $q .= "Connection: close\r\n";
                $q .= "Referer: //www.sorbetcms.net/\r\n\r\n";

                $recv = "";
                fwrite($f, $q);
                while (!feof($f)) {
                    $recv .= fread($f, 1024);

                $request = $q;
                $response = substr($recv, 0, strpos($recv, "\r\n\r\n"));
                $body = substr($recv, strpos($recv, "\r\n\r\n") + 4);

                if (preg_match('/http\/1\\.[0|1] ([0-9]{3})/i', $response, $res)) {
                    if ($res[1][0] != "2") {
                        return false;
                } else {
                    return false;

                if (preg_match('/transfer-encoding:\s*chunked/i', $response)) {
                    $tmp_body = $body;
                    $new = "";
                    $exit = false;
                    while (!$exit) {
                        if (preg_match('/^([0-9a-f]+).*?\r\n/i', $tmp_body, $res)) {
                            $len = hexdec($res[1]);
                            if ($len == "0") {
                                $exit = true;
                            $new .= substr($tmp_body, strlen($res[0]), $len);
                            $tmp_body = substr($tmp_body, strlen($res[0]) + $len + strlen("\r\n"));
                        } else {
                            $exit = true;
                    $body = $new;
                return $body;

    public function get_curl_version()
        $curl = 0;
        if (is_array(curl_version())) {
            $curl = curl_version();
            $curl = $curl['version'];
        } else {
            $curl = curl_version();
            $curl = explode(' ', $curl);
            $curl = explode('/', $curl[0]);
            $curl = $curl[1];
        return $curl;

    public function transform_offset($offset)
        $sp = strpos($offset, ".")? explode(".", $offset) : false;
        if (is_array($sp)) {
            $minutes = strval($sp[1]);
            $off_h = $sp[0]*3600;
            $off_m = (($minutes*60)/100)*60;
            $off = $off_h+$off_m;
        } else {
            $off = ($offset*3600);
        return $off;

    public function getLangs()
        $util_class = new util();
        $langs_dir = "languages";
        $dirs = array();
        $path = getcwd();
        $dir = (substr(PHP_OS, 0, 3) == 'WIN') ? $path."\\".$langs_dir : $path."/".$langs_dir;
        $dir = str_replace("admin\\", "", $dir);
        $dir = str_replace("admin/", "", $dir);
        $cls_lang_dir = @ dir($dir);
        while (($directory = $cls_lang_dir->read()) !== false) {
            if ($directory != "." && $directory != "..") {
                $dir2 = (substr(PHP_OS, 0, 3) == 'WIN') ? $path."\\".$langs_dir."\\".$directory : $path."/".$langs_dir."/".$directory;
                $dir2 = str_replace("admin\\", "", $dir2);
                $dir2 = str_replace("admin/", "", $dir2);
                if (is_dir($dir2)) {
                    $cls_lang_dir2 = @ dir($dir2);
                    while (($directory2 = $cls_lang_dir2->read()) !== false) {
                        if ($directory2 != "." && $directory2 != "..") {
                            if (preg_match('|^\.+$|', $directory2)) {
                            if (preg_match('|\.mo$|', $directory2)) {
                                if (!in_array($directory2, $dirs)) {
        $dirs = array_unique($dirs);
        return $dirs;

    public function removeBadTags($source, $secure=false)
        $util_class = new util();
        if ($secure) {
            $validTags ='<blockquote><code><em><i><strong><b><a>';
        } else {
            $validTags ='<p><ol><ul><li><a><abbr><acronym><blockquote><code><pre><em><i><strong><b><del><br><span><div><img>';
        $source = strip_tags($source, $validTags);

        return preg_replace_callback('/<(.*?)>/i',
            function ($m) {
                $util_class = new util();

    public function removeBadAtributes($sourceTag)
        $badAtributes = 'javascript:|onclick|ondblclick|onmousedown|onmouseup|onmouseover|onmousemove|onmouseout|onkeypress|onkeydown|onkeyup';
        $sourceTag = stripslashes($sourceTag);
        $sourceTag = preg_replace("/$badAtributes/i", "niceTry", $sourceTag);
        return $sourceTag;

    public function type2Text($number)
        $tmpStr = "";
        switch ($number) {
            case "1":
                $tmpStr = "post";
            case "2":
                $tmpStr = "photo";
            case "3":
                $tmpStr = "quote";
            case "4":
                $tmpStr = "url";
            case "5":
                $tmpStr = "conversation";
            case "6":
                $tmpStr = "video";
            case "7":
                $tmpStr = "mp3";
        return $tmpStr;

    public function type2Number($string)
        $tmpStr = "";
        switch ($string) {
            case "post":
                $tmpStr = "1";
            case "photo":
                $tmpStr = "2";
            case "quote":
                $tmpStr = "3";
            case "url":
                $tmpStr = "4";
            case "conversation":
                $tmpStr = "5";
            case "video":
                $tmpStr = "6";
            case "mp3":
                $tmpStr = "7";
        return $tmpStr;

    public function trimString($string, $len=50)
        if ($len>strlen(strip_tags($string)) or $len<1 or strlen(strip_tags($string))<1) {
            return strip_tags($string);
        $string = strip_tags($string);

        return (strpos($string, " ", $len))?substr_replace($string, "...", $len):$string;

    public function displayLanguage($lang)
        $out = "";
        if (strpos($lang, '-')==2) {
            $lang = explode('-', $lang);
        $language = is_array($lang)? $lang[0] : $lang;
        switch ($language) {
            case 'af': $out = __('Afrikaans'); break;
            case 'sq': $out = __('Albanian'); break;
            case 'ar': $out = __('Arabic'); break;
            case 'eu': $out = __('Basque'); break;
            case 'bg': $out = __('Bulgarian'); break;
            case 'be': $out = __('Belarusian'); break;
            case 'ca': $out = __('Catalan'); break;
            case 'zh': $out = __('Chinese'); break;
            case 'hr': $out = __('Croatian'); break;
            case 'cs': $out = __('Czech'); break;
            case 'da': $out = __('Danish'); break;
            case 'nl': $out = __('Dutch'); break;
            case 'en': $out = __('English'); break;
            case 'et': $out = __('Estonian'); break;
            case 'fo': $out = __('Faeroese'); break;
            case 'fa': $out = __('Farsi'); break;
            case 'fi': $out = __('Finnish'); break;
            case 'fr': $out = __('French'); break;
            case 'gd': $out = __('Gaelic'); break;
            case 'de': $out = __('German'); break;
            case 'el': $out = __('Greek'); break;
            case 'he': $out = __('Hebrew'); break;
            case 'hi': $out = __('Hindi'); break;
            case 'hu': $out = __('Hungarian'); break;
            case 'is': $out = __('Icelandic'); break;
            case 'id': $out = __('Indonesian'); break;
            case 'it': $out = __('Italian'); break;
            case 'ja': $out = __('Japanese'); break;
            case 'ko': $out = __('Korean'); break;
            case 'lv': $out = __('Latvian'); break;
            case 'lt': $out = __('Lithuanian'); break;
            case 'mk': $out = __('Macedonian'); break;
            case 'ms': $out = __('Malaysian'); break;
            case 'mt': $out = __('Maltese'); break;
            case 'no': $out = __('Norwegian'); break;
            case 'pl': $out = __('Polish'); break;
            case 'pt': $out = __('Portuguese'); break;
            case 'rm': $out = __('Rhaeto-Romanic'); break;
            case 'ro': $out = __('Romanian'); break;
            case 'ru': $out = __('Russian'); break;
            case 'sz': $out = __('Sami'); break;
            case 'sr': $out = __('Serbian'); break;
            case 'sk': $out = __('Slovak'); break;
            case 'sl': $out = __('Slovenian'); break;
            case 'sb': $out = __('Sorbian'); break;
            case 'es': $out = __('Spanish'); break;
            case 'sx': $out = __('Sutu'); break;
            case 'sv': $out = __('Swedish'); break;
            case 'th': $out = __('Thai'); break;
            case 'ts': $out = __('Tsonga'); break;
            case 'tn': $out = __('Tswana'); break;
            case 'tr': $out = __('Turkish'); break;
            case 'uk': $out = __('Ukrainian'); break;
            case 'ur': $out = __('Urdu'); break;
            case 've': $out = __('Venda'); break;
            case 'vi': $out = __('Vietnamese'); break;
            case 'xh': $out = __('Xhosa'); break;
            case 'ji': $out = __('Yiddish'); break;
            case 'zu': $out = __('Zulu'); break;
            default: $out = $language;
        if (is_array($lang)) {
            $country = strtolower($lang[1]);
            switch ($country) {
                //Aca una lista con los paises. No se como tendr\EDa que hacer para hacer insensible a mayusculas o minusculas: es-MX o es-mx \BF?
                case 'sa': $out .= " (". __('Saudi Arabia'). ")"; break;
                case 'iq': $out .= " (". __('Iraq'). ")"; break;
                case 'eg': $out .= " (". __('Egypt'). ")"; break;
                case 'ly': $out .= " (". __('Libya'). ")"; break;
                case 'dz': $out .= " (". __('Algeria'). ")"; break;
                case 'ma': $out .= " (". __('Morocco'). ")"; break;
                case 'tn': $out .= " (". __('Tunisia'). ")"; break;
                case 'om': $out .= " (". __('Oman'). ")"; break;
                case 'ye': $out .= " (". __('Yemen'). ")"; break;
                case 'sy': $out .= " (". __('Syria'). ")"; break;
                case 'jo': $out .= " (". __('Jordan'). ")"; break;
                case 'lb': $out .= " (". __('Lebanon'). ")"; break;
                case 'kw': $out .= " (". __('Kuwait'). ")"; break;
                case 'ae': $out .= " (". __('U.A.E.'). ")"; break;
                case 'bh': $out .= " (". __('Bahrain'). ")"; break;
                case 'qa': $out .= " (". __('Qatar'). ")"; break;
                case 'tw': $out .= " (". __('Taiwan'). ")"; break;
                case 'cn': $out .= " (". __('PRC'). ")"; break;
                case 'hk': $out .= " (". __('Hong Kong SAR'). ")"; break;
                case 'sg': $out .= " (". __('Singapore'). ")"; break;
                case 'be': $out .= " (". __('Belgium'). ")"; break;
                case 'us': $out .= " (". __('United States'). ")"; break;
                case 'gb': $out .= " (". __('United Kingdom'). ")"; break;
                case 'au': $out .= " (". __('Australia'). ")"; break;
                case 'ca': $out .= " (". __('Canada'). ")"; break;
                case 'nz': $out .= " (". __('New Zealand'). ")"; break;
                case 'ie': $out .= " (". __('Ireland'). ")"; break;
                case 'za': $out .= " (". __('South Africa'). ")"; break;
                case 'jm': $out .= " (". __('Jamaica'). ")"; break;
                case 'bz': $out .= " (". __('Belize'). ")"; break;
                case 'tt': $out .= " (". __('Trinidad'). ")"; break;
                case 'ch': $out .= " (". __('Switzerland'). ")"; break;
                case 'lu': $out .= " (". __('Luxembourg'). ")"; break;
                case 'at': $out .= " (". __('Austria'). ")"; break;
                case 'li': $out .= " (". __('Liechtenstein'). ")"; break;
                case 'br': $out .= " (". __('Brazil'). ")"; break;
                case 'pt': $out .= " (". __('Portugal'). ")"; break;
                case 'mo': $out .= " (". __('Republic of Moldova'). ")"; break;
                case 'sz': $out .= " (". __('Lappish'). ")"; break;
                case 'mx': $out .= " (". __('Mexico'). ")"; break;
                case 'gt': $out .= " (". __('Guatemala'). ")"; break;
                case 'cr': $out .= " (". __('Costa Rica'). ")"; break;
                case 'pa': $out .= " (". __('Panama'). ")"; break;
                case 'do': $out .= " (". __('Dominican Republic'). ")"; break;
                case 've': $out .= " (". __('Venezuela'). ")"; break;
                case 'co': $out .= " (". __('Colombia'). ")"; break;
                case 'pe': $out .= " (". __('Peru'). ")"; break;
                case 'ar': $out .= " (". __('Argentina'). ")"; break;
                case 'ec': $out .= " (". __('Ecuador'). ")"; break;
                case 'cl': $out .= " (". __('Chile'). ")"; break;
                case 'uy': $out .= " (". __('Uruguay'). ")"; break;
                case 'py': $out .= " (". __('Paraguay'). ")"; break;
                case 'bo': $out .= " (". __('Bolivia'). ")"; break;
                case 'sv': $out .= " (". __('El Salvador'). ")"; break;
                case 'hn': $out .= " (". __('Honduras'). ")"; break;
                case 'ni': $out .= " (". __('Nicaragua'). ")"; break;
                case 'pr': $out .= " (". __('Puerto Rico'). ")"; break;
                case 'fi': $out .= " (". __('Finland'). ")"; break;
                default: $out .= "(".$country.")";
        return $out;

    public function init_plugins()
        global $conf;

        $actives = json_decode($conf->active_plugins, 1);
        $actives = $actives[1];
        foreach ((array)$actives as $index => $plugin) {
            if (!file_exists(Absolute_Path."plugins/".$plugin)) {
            } else {
            if (!class_exists($index)) {
            $GLOBALS['plugins::$instances'][$index] = new $index;