A tumblelog CMS built on AJAX, PHP and MySQL.

template_add_mp3.htm 1.2KB

  1. <div>
  2. <label for="url">MP3 URL</label>
  3. <br /><input class="txt" type="text" name="url" id="url" value="{editUrl}" size="80" />
  4. <div style="color: rgb(136, 136, 136); margin-bottom: 5px; font-size: 11px; font-weight: bold;">
  5. This is the MP3 file URL or a GoEar URL or an Odeo URL.<br>
  6. <span style="font-size: 10px; font-weight: normal;">(ie. http://www.goear.com/listen.php?v=c0a2c85)</span>
  7. </div>
  8. </div>
  9. <div>
  10. <label for="description">Caption <span class="option">(optional)</span></label><br />
  11. <textarea rows="12" cols="84" name="description" id="description" tabindex="2">{editBody}</textarea>
  12. </div>
  13. <input type="hidden" name="title" id="title" value="" />
  14. <input type="hidden" name="type" id="type" value="{type}" />
  15. <input type="hidden" name="date" id="date" value="{date}" />
  16. <input type="hidden" name="id_user" id="id_user" value="{id_user}" />
  17. <script>
  18. $("#autosave").validate({
  19. rules: {
  20. url: {
  21. required: true,
  22. url: true
  23. }
  24. },
  25. errorElement: "span",
  26. errorClass: "validate_span",
  27. errorPlacement: function(label, element) {
  28. label.prependTo(element.prev())
  29. }
  30. });
  31. </script>