=========================== */ ?> Error reading configuration file

There doesn't seem to be a config.php file. I need this before we can get started.

This either means that you did not rename the config-sample.php file to config.php.

"; die($mensaje); } else { require(dirname(__FILE__).DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR."config.php"); $showForm = true; } include("classes/functions.php"); $errors_d=array(); $errors_d[1]="The login field cannot be empty"; $errors_d[2]="The password field cannot be empty"; $errors_d[3]="Password does not match the confirm password"; $errors_d[4]="The e-mail field cannot be empty"; $errors_d[5]="The installation URL field cannot be empty"; $errors_d[6]="Error establishing a database connection"; $action=""; $errors=""; if (isset($_POST['action'])){ $action=$_POST['action']; } if ($action=="config" && !is_db_installed()) { $sep_err=""; if (!$_POST['login']) { $errors=$errors.$sep_err."1"; $sep_err="|"; } if (!$_POST['password']) { $errors=$errors.$sep_err."2"; $sep_err="|"; } if (!$_POST['email']) { $errors=$errors.$sep_err."4"; $sep_err="|"; } if (!$_POST['url_installation']) { $errors=$errors.$sep_err."5"; $sep_err="|"; } if ($_POST['password']!=$_POST['password2']) { $errors=$errors.$sep_err."3"; $sep_err="|"; } $off_r= split("," , $_POST['time_offsets']); $_POST['offset_time'] = $off_r[0]; $_POST['offset_city'] = $off_r[1]; unset($_POST['time_offsets']); if (!$errors) { if (install_db($_POST['login'], $_POST['password'], $_POST['email'], $_POST['title'], $_POST['description'], $_POST['url_installation'], $_POST['posts_limit'], $_POST['lang'], $_POST['template'], $_POST['website'], $_POST['about'], $_POST['offset_city'], $_POST['offset_time'])) { $showForm=false; } else { $errors=$errors.$sep_err."6"; $sep_err="|"; $showForm=true; } } else { $showForm=true; } } $showForm = (!is_db_installed()); ?> gelato :: installation
Admin user

Tumblelog configuration


"; echo "

Now you can log in with your username and password

"; } ?>
ejecutarConsulta($sqlStr); $sqlStr = "CREATE TABLE `".Table_prefix."users` ( `id_user` int(10) unsigned NOT NULL auto_increment, `name` varchar(100) default NULL, `login` varchar(100) NOT NULL default '', `password` varchar(64) NOT NULL default '', `email` varchar(100) default NULL, `website` varchar(150) default NULL, `about` text, PRIMARY KEY (`id_user`) ) ENGINE = MYISAM;"; $db->ejecutarConsulta($sqlStr); $sqlStr = "CREATE TABLE `".Table_prefix."config` ( `posts_limit` int(3) NOT NULL, `title` varchar(250) NOT NULL, `description` text NOT NULL, `lang` varchar(10) NOT NULL, `template` varchar(100) NOT NULL, `url_installation` varchar(250) NOT NULL, PRIMARY KEY (`title`) ) ENGINE = MYISAM ;"; $db->ejecutarConsulta($sqlStr); $sqlStr = "CREATE TABLE `".Table_prefix."options` ( `name` varchar(100) NOT NULL, `val` varchar(255) NOT NULL, PRIMARY KEY (`name`) ) ENGINE = MYISAM ;"; $db->ejecutarConsulta($sqlStr); $sqlStr = "CREATE TABLE `".Table_prefix."comments` ( `id_comment` int(11) NOT NULL auto_increment, `id_post` int(11) NOT NULL, `username` varchar(50) NOT NULL, `email` varchar(100) NOT NULL, `web` varchar(250) default NULL, `content` text NOT NULL, `ip_user` varchar(50) NOT NULL, `comment_date` datetime NOT NULL, `spam` tinyint(4) NOT NULL, PRIMARY KEY (`id_comment`) ) ENGINE = MYISAM ;"; $db->ejecutarConsulta($sqlStr); $url_installation = (endsWith($url_installation, "/")) ? substr($url_installation, 0, strlen($url_installation)-1) : $url_installation ; $sqlStr = "INSERT INTO `".Table_prefix."config` VALUES (".$posts_limit.", '".$title."', '".$description."', '".$lang."', '".$template."', '".$url_installation."');"; $db->ejecutarConsulta($sqlStr); $sqlStr = "INSERT INTO `".Table_prefix."users` VALUES ('', '', '".$login."', '".md5($password)."', '".$email."', '".$website."', '".$about."');"; $db->ejecutarConsulta($sqlStr); $sqlStr = "INSERT INTO `".Table_prefix."options` VALUES ('url_friendly', '1');"; $db->ejecutarConsulta($sqlStr); $sqlStr = "INSERT INTO `".Table_prefix."options` VALUES ('rich_text', '0');"; $db->ejecutarConsulta($sqlStr); $sqlStr = "INSERT INTO `".Table_prefix."options` VALUES ('allow_comments', '0');"; $db->ejecutarConsulta($sqlStr); $sqlStr = "INSERT INTO `".Table_prefix."options` VALUES ('offset_city', '".$offset_city."');"; $db->ejecutarConsulta($sqlStr); $sqlStr = "INSERT INTO `".Table_prefix."options` VALUES ('offset_time', '".$offset_time."');"; $db->ejecutarConsulta($sqlStr); $db->cierraConexion(); return true; } function inerrors($errors,$n) { if (strpos($errors,$n)===false) { return false; } else { return true; } } function mostrarerror($errors,$errors_d,$n) { if (inerrors($errors,$n)) { return ''.$errors_d[$n].''; } else { return ""; } } function is_db_installed(){ $db = new Conexion_Mysql(DB_name, DB_Server, DB_User, DB_Password); $sqlStr = "SELECT * FROM `".Table_prefix."config`"; $db->ejecutarConsulta($sqlStr); return ($db->contarRegistros() > 0); } ?>