/** * jQuery Lightbox * Version 0.4 - 09/17/2007 * @author Warren Krewenki * * Based on Lightbox 2 by Lokesh Dhakar (http://www.huddletogether.com/projects/lightbox2/) * Originally written to make use of the Prototype framework, and Script.acalo.us, now altered to use jQuery. * **/ var Lightbox = { fileLoadingImage : "admin/css/images/loading.gif", fileBottomNavCloseImage : 'admin/css/images/closelabel.gif', overlayOpacity : 0.8, borderSize : 10, imageArray : new Array, activeImage : null, inprogress : false, resizeSpeed : 350, destroyElement: function(id){ if(el = document.getElementById(id)){ el.parentNode.removeChild(el); } }, initialize: function() { // attach lightbox to any links with rel 'lightbox' $("a").each(function(){ if(this.rel.toLowerCase().match('lightbox')){ $(this).click(function(){ Lightbox.start(this); return false; }); } }); Lightbox.destroyElement('overlay'); Lightbox.destroyElement('lightbox'); $("body").append('
'); $("#overlay").click(function(){ Lightbox.end(); }).hide(); $("#lightbox").click(function(){ Lightbox.end();}).hide(); $("#loadingLink").click(function(){ Lightbox.end(); return false;}); $("#bottomNavClose").click(function(){ Lightbox.end(); return false; }); $('#outerImageContainer').css({width: '250px', height: '250px;'}); }, // // start() // Display overlay and lightbox. If image is part of a set, add siblings to Lightbox.imageArray. // start: function(imageLink) { $("select, embed, object").hide(); // stretch overlay to fill page and fade in var arrayPageSize = Lightbox.getPageSize(); $("#overlay").hide().css({width: '100%', height: arrayPageSize[1]+'px', opacity : Lightbox.overlayOpacity}).fadeIn(); Lightbox.imageArray = []; imageNum = 0; var anchors = document.getElementsByTagName( imageLink.tagName); // if image is NOT part of a set.. if((imageLink.rel == 'lightbox')){ // add single image to Lightbox.imageArray Lightbox.imageArray.push(new Array(imageLink.href, imageLink.title)); } else { // if image is part of a set.. // loop through anchors, find other images in set, and add them to Lightbox.imageArray for (var i=0; ii; j--){ if(Lightbox.imageArray[i][0] == Lightbox.imageArray[j][0]){ Lightbox.imageArray.splice(j,1); } } } while(Lightbox.imageArray[imageNum][0] != imageLink.href) { imageNum++;} } // calculate top and left offset for the lightbox var arrayPageScroll = Lightbox.getPageScroll(); var lightboxTop = arrayPageScroll[1] + (arrayPageSize[3] / 10); var lightboxLeft = arrayPageScroll[0]; $('#lightbox').css({top: lightboxTop+'px', left: lightboxLeft+'px'}).show(); this.changeImage(imageNum); }, // // changeImage() // Hide most elements and preload image in preparation for resizing image container. // changeImage: function(imageNum) { if(this.inprogress == false){ this.inprogress = true; Lightbox.activeImage = imageNum; // update global var // hide elements during transition $('#loading').show(); $('#lightboxImage').hide(); $('#hoverNav').hide(); $('#prevLink').hide(); $('#nextLink').hide(); $('#imageDataContainer').hide(); $('#numberDisplay').hide(); imgPreloader = new Image(); // once image is preloaded, resize image container imgPreloader.onload=function(){ document.getElementById('lightboxImage').src = Lightbox.imageArray[Lightbox.activeImage][0]; Lightbox.resizeImageContainer(imgPreloader.width, imgPreloader.height); } imgPreloader.src = Lightbox.imageArray[Lightbox.activeImage][0]; } }, // // resizeImageContainer() // resizeImageContainer: function( imgWidth, imgHeight) { // get curren width and height this.widthCurrent = document.getElementById('outerImageContainer').offsetWidth; this.heightCurrent = document.getElementById('outerImageContainer').offsetHeight; // get new width and height var widthNew = (imgWidth + (Lightbox.borderSize * 2)); var heightNew = (imgHeight + (Lightbox.borderSize * 2)); // scalars based on change from old to new this.xScale = ( widthNew / this.widthCurrent) * 100; this.yScale = ( heightNew / this.heightCurrent) * 100; // calculate size difference between new and old image, and resize if necessary wDiff = this.widthCurrent - widthNew; hDiff = this.heightCurrent - heightNew; $('#outerImageContainer').animate({width: widthNew, height: heightNew},Lightbox.resizeSpeed,'linear',function(){ Lightbox.showImage(); }); // if new and old image are same size and no scaling transition is necessary, // do a quick pause to prevent image flicker. if((hDiff == 0) && (wDiff == 0)){ if (navigator.appVersion.indexOf("MSIE")!=-1){ Lightbox.pause(250); } else { Lightbox.pause(100);} } $('#prevLink').css({height: imgHeight+'px'}); $('#nextLink').css({height: imgHeight+'px'}); $('#imageDataContainer').css({width: widthNew+'px'}); }, // // showImage() // Display image and begin preloading neighbors. // showImage: function(){ $('#loading').hide(); $('#lightboxImage').fadeIn("fast"); Lightbox.updateDetails(); this.preloadNeighborImages(); this.inprogress = false; }, // // updateDetails() // Display caption, image number, and bottom nav. // updateDetails: function() { $("#imageDataContainer").hide(); // if caption is not null if(Lightbox.imageArray[Lightbox.activeImage][1]){ $('#caption').html(Lightbox.imageArray[Lightbox.activeImage][1]).show(); } // if image is part of set display 'Image x of x' if(Lightbox.imageArray.length > 1){ $('#numberDisplay').html("Image " + eval(Lightbox.activeImage + 1) + " of " + Lightbox.imageArray.length).show(); } $("#imageDataContainer").hide().slideDown("slow"); var arrayPageSize = Lightbox.getPageSize(); $('#overLay').css({height: arrayPageSize[1]+'px'}); Lightbox.updateNav(); }, // // updateNav() // Display appropriate previous and next hover navigation. // updateNav: function() { $('#hoverNav').show(); // if not first image in set, display prev image button if(Lightbox.activeImage != 0){ $('#prevLink').show().click(function(){ Lightbox.changeImage(Lightbox.activeImage - 1); return false; }); } // if not last image in set, display next image button if(Lightbox.activeImage != (Lightbox.imageArray.length - 1)){ $('#nextLink').show().click(function(){ Lightbox.changeImage(Lightbox.activeImage +1); return false; }); } this.enableKeyboardNav(); }, enableKeyboardNav: function() { document.onkeydown = this.keyboardAction; }, disableKeyboardNav: function() { document.onkeydown = ''; }, keyboardAction: function(e) { if (e == null) { // ie keycode = event.keyCode; escapeKey = 27; } else { // mozilla keycode = e.keyCode; escapeKey = e.DOM_VK_ESCAPE; } key = String.fromCharCode(keycode).toLowerCase(); if((key == 'x') || (key == 'o') || (key == 'c') || (keycode == escapeKey)){ // close lightbox Lightbox.end(); } else if((key == 'p') || (keycode == 37)){ // display previous image if(Lightbox.activeImage != 0){ Lightbox.disableKeyboardNav(); Lightbox.changeImage(Lightbox.activeImage - 1); } } else if((key == 'n') || (keycode == 39)){ // display next image if(Lightbox.activeImage != (Lightbox.imageArray.length - 1)){ Lightbox.disableKeyboardNav(); Lightbox.changeImage(Lightbox.activeImage + 1); } } }, preloadNeighborImages: function(){ if((Lightbox.imageArray.length - 1) > Lightbox.activeImage){ preloadNextImage = new Image(); preloadNextImage.src = Lightbox.imageArray[Lightbox.activeImage + 1][0]; } if(Lightbox.activeImage > 0){ preloadPrevImage = new Image(); preloadPrevImage.src = Lightbox.imageArray[Lightbox.activeImage - 1][0]; } }, end: function() { this.disableKeyboardNav(); $('#lightbox').hide(); $("#overlay").fadeOut(); $("select, object, embed").show(); }, getPageSize : function(){ var xScroll, yScroll; if (window.innerHeight && window.scrollMaxY) { xScroll = window.innerWidth + window.scrollMaxX; yScroll = window.innerHeight + window.scrollMaxY; } else if (document.body.scrollHeight > document.body.offsetHeight){ // all but Explorer Mac xScroll = document.body.scrollWidth; yScroll = document.body.scrollHeight; } else { // Explorer Mac...would also work in Explorer 6 Strict, Mozilla and Safari xScroll = document.body.offsetWidth; yScroll = document.body.offsetHeight; } var windowWidth, windowHeight; if (self.innerHeight) { // all except Explorer if(document.documentElement.clientWidth){ windowWidth = document.documentElement.clientWidth; } else { windowWidth = self.innerWidth; } windowHeight = self.innerHeight; } else if (document.documentElement && document.documentElement.clientHeight) { // Explorer 6 Strict Mode windowWidth = document.documentElement.clientWidth; windowHeight = document.documentElement.clientHeight; } else if (document.body) { // other Explorers windowWidth = document.body.clientWidth; windowHeight = document.body.clientHeight; } // for small pages with total height less then height of the viewport if(yScroll < windowHeight){ pageHeight = windowHeight; } else { pageHeight = yScroll; } // for small pages with total width less then width of the viewport if(xScroll < windowWidth){ pageWidth = xScroll; } else { pageWidth = windowWidth; } arrayPageSize = new Array(pageWidth,pageHeight,windowWidth,windowHeight) return arrayPageSize; }, getPageScroll : function(){ var xScroll, yScroll; if (self.pageYOffset) { yScroll = self.pageYOffset; xScroll = self.pageXOffset; } else if (document.documentElement && document.documentElement.scrollTop){ // Explorer 6 Strict yScroll = document.documentElement.scrollTop; xScroll = document.documentElement.scrollLeft; } else if (document.body) {// all other Explorers yScroll = document.body.scrollTop; xScroll = document.body.scrollLeft; } arrayPageScroll = new Array(xScroll,yScroll) return arrayPageScroll; }, pause : function(ms){ var date = new Date(); curDate = null; do{var curDate = new Date();} while( curDate - date < ms); } }; $(document).ready(function(){ Lightbox.initialize(); });