A tumblelog CMS built on AJAX, PHP and MySQL.

readme.txt 998B

    PLEASE DO NOT USE AS PRODUCTION TUMBLELOG, ONLY FOR TESTING PURPOSES <br> <br>This beta version is not ready to replace your actual gelato tumblelog, there is not an update script, only fresh installs for TESTING purposes. <br> <br>==== How to install gelato CMS ===== <br> <br>1) Download and unzip the gelato package, if you haven't already. <br>2) Place the gelato files in the desired location on your web server. <br>3) Rename the file config-sample.php to config.php and edit it with your server info. <br>4) Run the gelato installation script by accessing install.php in your favorite web browser. <br> * If you installed gelato in the root directory, you should visit: http://example.com/install.php <br> * If you installed gelato in its own subdirectory called tumblelog, for example, you should visit: http://example.com/tumblelog/install.php <br>5) Set CHMOD / permission ( Chmod 777 ) to the folder 'uploads' and the folder 'uploads/CACHE' <br>6) REMOVE the install.php file. <br> <br>That's it! gelato should now be installed.