A tumblelog CMS built on AJAX, PHP and MySQL.

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  9. div.post div.quote span.quote big.quote {
  10. line-height: 40px;
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  19. <div id="description">
  20. {Description}
  21. </div>
  22. {if {$isAuthenticated}}
  23. <div style="padding:4px; border:solid 2px #bbb; display:inline; background-color:#ddd; position:absolute; top:3px; right:3px;">
  24. <b>Hi, {User}.</b>&nbsp;&nbsp;
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  29. {block {$rows} as {$row}}
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  31. {$row.Date_Added}
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  33. {if {$postType}==1}
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  37. <h2><a href="{$row.Permalink}">{$row.Title}</a></h2>
  38. {$row.Body}
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  41. {elseif {$postType}==2}
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  44. <div class="photo">
  45. <a {$row.Effect}><img src="{$row.PhotoURL}" alt="{$row.PhotoAlt}" /></a><br/>
  46. <div class="caption">{$row.Caption}</div>
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  49. {elseif {$postType}==3}
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  52. <div class="quote">
  53. <span class="quote"><big class="quote"><a href="{$row.Permalink}">&#147;</a></big> {$row.Quote}</span>
  54. <div class="source">&mdash; {$row.Source}</div>
  55. </div>
  56. </div>
  57. {elseif {$postType}==4}
  58. <div class="post">
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  60. <div class="link">
  61. &#187; <a href="{$row.URL}">{$row.Name}</a>
  62. <div class="description">{$row.Description}</div>
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  65. {elseif {$postType}==5}
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  68. <div class="conversation">
  69. ...<h2><a href="{$row.Permalink}">{$row.Title}</a></h2>
  70. {$row.Conversation}
  71. </div>
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  73. {elseif {$postType}==6}
  74. <div class="post">
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  77. {$row.Video}
  78. <div class="caption">{$row.Caption}</div>
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  84. <div class="video">
  85. {$row.Mp3}
  86. <div class="caption">{$row.Caption}</div>
  87. </div>
  88. </div>
  89. {/if}
  90. <div class="totalComments">
  91. <h3>Posted by {$row.User} - <a href="{$row.Permalink}#comments">( {$row.Comments_Number} ) comments</a></h3>
  92. </div>
  93. {/block}
  94. {if {$id_post}}
  95. <div class="containerComments">
  96. <h3 id="comments">{$row.Comments_Number} answers to &#8220;{$row.Post_Title}&#8221;</h3>
  97. <ol class="commentlist">
  98. {block {$comments} as {$comment}}
  99. <li class="alt" id="comment-{$comment.Id_Comment}">
  100. <cite>
  101. <a href="#comment-{$comment.Id_Comment}" title="Comment permalink">#</a>&nbsp;&nbsp;
  102. {$comment.Comment_Author} said:
  103. </cite>
  104. <br />
  105. <span class="timestampComment"> at {$comment.Date}</span><br /><br />
  106. {$comment.Comment}
  107. <br /><br />
  108. </li>
  109. {/block}
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  113. <h3 id="respond">Add your comment</h3>
  114. <form action="{Form_Action}" method="post" name="commentForm" id="commentForm">
  115. <p>
  116. <label for="username">
  117. <small>Name:</small>
  118. </label>
  119. <input name="username" id="username" value="{whois.User_Cookie}" size="22" tabindex="1" type="text" />
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  123. <small>E-mail:</small>
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  129. <small>Website:</small>
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  134. <textarea name="content" id="content" cols="100" rows="10" tabindex="4"></textarea>
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  136. <p>
  137. <span style="color: rgb(136, 136, 136); margin-bottom: 10px; font-size: 10px;"><a href="http://hobix.com/textile/">Textile</a> syntax is supported.</span>
  138. <p>
  139. <input type="submit" value="Add comment" name="btnAdd" id="btnAdd" tabindex="5" />
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  141. <p>
  142. <input name="id_post" id="id_post" value="{id_post}" type="hidden" />
  143. <input name="comment_date" id="comment_date" value="{Date_Added}" type="hidden" />
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  148. {pagination}
  149. {/if}
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