var d3 = require("d3"), audio = require("./audio.js"), video = require("./video.js"), minimap = require("./minimap.js"), sampleWave = require("./sample-wave.js"), getRenderer = require("../renderer/"), getWaveform = require("./waveform.js"); var context ="canvas").node().getContext("2d"); var theme, caption, label, file, selection; function _file(_) { return arguments.length ? (file = _) : file; } function _theme(_) { return arguments.length ? (theme = _, redraw()) : theme; } function _caption(_) { return arguments.length ? (caption = _, redraw()) : caption; } function _label(_) { return arguments.length ? (label = _, redraw()) : label; } function _selection(_) { return arguments.length ? (selection = _) : selection; } minimap.onBrush(function(extent){ var duration = audio.duration(); selection = { duration: duration * (extent[1] - extent[0]), start: extent[0] ? extent[0] * duration : null, end: extent[1] < 1 ? extent[1] * duration : null };"#duration strong").text(Math.round(10 * selection.duration) / 10) .classed("red", theme && theme.maxDuration && theme.maxDuration < selection.duration); }); // Resize video and preview canvas to maintain aspect ratio function resize(width, height) { var widthFactor = 640 / width, heightFactor = 360 / height, factor = Math.min(widthFactor, heightFactor);"canvas") .attr("width", factor * width) .attr("height", factor * height);"#canvas") .style("width", (factor * width) + "px");"video") .attr("height", widthFactor * height);"#video") .attr("height", (widthFactor * height) + "px"); context.setTransform(factor, 0, 0, factor, 0, 0); } function redraw() { resize(theme.width, theme.height); video.kill(); var renderer = getRenderer(theme); renderer.backgroundImage(theme.backgroundImageFile || null); renderer.drawFrame(context, { caption: caption, label: label, waveform: sampleWave, frame: 0 }); } function loadAudio(f, cb) { d3.queue() .defer(getWaveform, f) .defer(audio.src, f) .await(function(err, data){ if (err) { return cb(err); } file = f; minimap.redraw(data.peaks); cb(err); }); } module.exports = { caption: _caption, label: _label, theme: _theme, file: _file, selection: _selection, loadAudio: loadAudio };