var path = require("path"), queue = require("d3").queue, mkdirp = require("mkdirp"), rimraf = require("rimraf"), serverSettings = require("../settings/"), transports = require("../lib/transports/"), logger = require("../lib/logger/"), getDuration = require("./duration.js"), getWaveform = require("./waveform.js"), initializeCanvas = require("./initialize-canvas.js"), drawFrames = require("./draw-frames.js"), combineFrames = require("./combine-frames.js"), trimAudio = require("./trim.js"); function Audiogram(id) { // Unique audiogram ID = id; // File locations to use this.dir = path.join(serverSettings.workingDirectory,; this.audioPath = path.join(this.dir, "audio"); this.videoPath = path.join(this.dir, "video.mp4"); this.frameDir = path.join(this.dir, "frames"); return this; } // Probe an audio file for its duration, compute the number of frames required Audiogram.prototype.getDuration = function(cb) { var self = this; this.status("duration"); getDuration(this.audioPath, function(err, duration){ if (err) { return cb(err); } if (self.settings.theme.maxDuration && self.settings.theme.maxDuration < duration) { cb("Exceeds max duration of " + self.settings.theme.maxDuration + "s"); } self.set("numFrames", self.numFrames = Math.floor(duration * self.settings.theme.framesPerSecond)); cb(null); }); }; // Get the waveform data from the audio file, split into frames Audiogram.prototype.getWaveform = function(cb) { var self = this; this.status("waveform"); getWaveform(this.audioPath, { numFrames: this.numFrames, samplesPerFrame: this.settings.theme.samplesPerFrame }, function(err, waveform){ return cb(err, self.waveform = waveform); }); }; // Trim the audio by the start and end time specified Audiogram.prototype.trimAudio = function(start, end, cb) { var self = this; this.status("trim"); // FFmpeg needs an extension to sniff var trimmedPath = this.audioPath + "-trimmed.mp3"; trimAudio({ origin: this.audioPath, destination: trimmedPath, startTime: start, endTime: end }, function(err){ if (err) { return cb(err); } self.audioPath = trimmedPath; return cb(null); }); }; // Initialize the canvas and draw all the frames Audiogram.prototype.drawFrames = function(cb) { var self = this; this.status("renderer"); initializeCanvas(this.settings.theme, function(err, renderer){ if (err) { return cb(err); } self.status("frames"); drawFrames(renderer, { width: self.settings.theme.width, height: self.settings.theme.height, numFrames: self.numFrames, frameDir: self.frameDir, caption: self.settings.caption, waveform: self.waveform, tick: function() { transports.incrementField(, "framesComplete"); } }, cb); }); }; // Combine the frames and audio into the final video with FFmpeg Audiogram.prototype.combineFrames = function(cb) { this.status("combine"); combineFrames({ framePath: path.join(this.frameDir, "%06d.png"), audioPath: this.audioPath, videoPath: this.videoPath, framesPerSecond: this.settings.theme.framesPerSecond }, cb); }; // Master render function, queue up steps in order Audiogram.prototype.render = function(cb) { var self = this, q = queue(1); this.status("audio-download"); // Set up tmp directory q.defer(mkdirp, this.frameDir); // Download the stored audio file q.defer(transports.downloadAudio, "audio/" +, this.audioPath); // If the audio needs to be clipped, clip it first and update the path if (this.settings.start || this.settings.end) { q.defer(this.trimAudio.bind(this), this.settings.start || 0, this.settings.end || null); } // Get the audio's duration for computing number of frames q.defer(this.getDuration.bind(this)); // Get the audio waveform data q.defer(this.getWaveform.bind(this)); // Draw all the frames q.defer(this.drawFrames.bind(this)); // Combine audio and frames together with ffmpeg q.defer(this.combineFrames.bind(this)); // Upload video to S3 or move to local storage q.defer(transports.uploadVideo, this.videoPath, "video/" + + ".mp4"); // Delete working directory q.defer(rimraf, this.dir); // Final callback, results in a URL where the finished video is accessible q.await(function(err){ if (!err) { self.set("url", transports.getURL(; } return cb(err); }); return this; }; Audiogram.prototype.set = function(field, value) { logger.debug(field + "=" + value); transports.setField(, field, value); return this; }; // Convenience method for .set("status") Audiogram.prototype.status = function(value) { return this.set("status", value); }; module.exports = Audiogram;