var minimap = require("./minimap.js"), d3 = require("d3"); var audio = document.querySelector("audio"), extent = [0, 1]; // timeupdate is too low-res d3.timer(update);"play", toggled) .on("pause", function(){ toggled(true); }); minimap.onBrushEnd(_extent); function pause(time) { if (arguments.length) { audio.currentTime = time; } if (isPlaying()) { audio.pause(); } toggled(true); } function play(time) { if (arguments.length) { audio.currentTime = time; }; toggled(); } function restart() { play(extent[0] * audio.duration); } function update() { if (!audio) { return; } if (audio.duration) { var pos = audio.currentTime / audio.duration; // Need some allowance at the beginning because of frame imprecision (esp. FF) if (audio.ended || pos >= extent[1] || audio.duration * extent[0] - audio.currentTime > 0.2) { pause(extent[0] * audio.duration); } minimap.time(pos); } } function toggled(paused) {"#pause").classed("hidden", paused);"#play").classed("hidden", !paused); } function toggle() { if (isPlaying()) { pause(); } else { play(); } } function _extent(_) { if (arguments.length) { extent = _; var pos = audio.currentTime / audio.duration; if (pos > extent[1] || audio.duration * extent[0] - audio.currentTime > 0.2 || !isPlaying()) { pause(extent[0] * audio.duration); } minimap.time(pos); } else { return extent; } } function src(file, cb) {"audio") .on("canplaythrough", cb) .on("error", function(){ cb(; }) .select("source") .attr("type", file.type) .attr("src", URL.createObjectURL(file)); audio.load(); } function isPlaying() { return audio.duration && !audio.paused && !audio.ended && 0 < audio.currentTime; } function _duration() { return audio.duration; } module.exports = { play: play, pause: pause, toggle: toggle, src: src, restart: restart, duration: _duration };