var serverSettings = require("../settings/"), spawn = require("child_process").spawn, path = require("path"), _ = require("underscore"), logger = require("../lib/logger"), transports = require("../lib/transports"); function validate(req, res, next) { try { req.body.theme = JSON.parse(req.body.theme); } catch(e) { return res.status(500).send("Unknown settings error."); } if (!req.file || !req.file.filename) { return res.status(500).send("No valid audio received."); } // Start at the beginning, or specified time if (req.body.start) { req.body.start = +req.body.start; } if (req.body.end) { req.body.end = +req.body.end; } return next(); } function route(req, res) { var id = req.file.destination.split(path.sep).pop(); transports.uploadAudio(path.join(req.file.destination, "audio"), "audio/" + id,function(err) { if (err) { throw err; } // Queue up the job with a timestamp transports.addJob(_.extend({ id: id, created: (new Date()).getTime() }, req.body)); res.json({ id: id }); // If there's no separate worker, spawn one right away if (!serverSettings.worker) { logger.debug("Spawning worker"); // Empty args to avoid child_process Linux error spawn("bin/worker", [], { stdio: "inherit", cwd: path.join(__dirname, ".."), env: _.extend({}, process.env, { SPAWNED: true }) }); } }); }; module.exports = { validate: validate, route: route };