package io.r_a_d.radio2.streamerNotificationService import android.content.Context import android.util.Log import import androidx.lifecycle.MutableLiveData import androidx.lifecycle.Observer import androidx.preference.PreferenceManager import io.r_a_d.radio2.R import io.r_a_d.radio2.tag class WorkerStore { companion object { val instance = WorkerStore() } val streamerName = MutableLiveData() var isServiceStarted : Boolean = false var tickerPeriod : Long = 45 // seconds init { tickerPeriod = 45 streamerName.value = "" isServiceStarted = false } fun init(c: Context) { tickerPeriod = 45 streamerName.value = "" val tickerPeriod = 60 * (if (PreferenceManager.getDefaultSharedPreferences(c).contains("streamerMonitorPeriodPref")) Integer.parseInt(PreferenceManager.getDefaultSharedPreferences(c).getString("streamerMonitorPeriodPref", "15")!!).toLong() else 15 ) instance.tickerPeriod = tickerPeriod Log.d(tag, "tickerPeriod = $tickerPeriod") with(PreferenceManager.getDefaultSharedPreferences(c).edit()){ remove("streamerName") commit() // I commit on main thread to be sure it's been updated before continuing. } } }