package io.r_a_d.radio2.ui.songs.request import android.util.Log import androidx.lifecycle.MutableLiveData import io.r_a_d.radio2.ActionOnError import io.r_a_d.radio2.Async import io.r_a_d.radio2.playerstore.Song import io.r_a_d.radio2.preferenceStore import io.r_a_d.radio2.tag import org.json.JSONArray import org.json.JSONException import org.json.JSONObject import import import import import import import import java.util.* import java.util.regex.Pattern import import kotlin.collections.ArrayList import kotlin.random.Random /** * Requests a song via the website's API * * We scrape the website for a CSRF token and POST it to /request/ endpoint with * the song id * * Created by Kethsar on 1/2/2017. * Converted to Kotlin and adapted by Yattoz on 05 Nov. 2019 */ class Requestor { var addRequestMeta: String = "" private val cookieManager: CookieManager = CookieManager() private val requestUrl = "\$d" private val searchUrl = "\$d" private val favoritesUrl = "" private val songThresholdStep = 50 private var songThreshold = songThresholdStep private var localQuery = "" private var token: String? = null val snackBarText : MutableLiveData = MutableLiveData() private var responseArray : ArrayList = ArrayList() val requestSongArray : ArrayList = ArrayList() val favoritesSongArray : ArrayList = ArrayList() val isRequestResultUpdated : MutableLiveData = MutableLiveData() val isFavoritesUpdated : MutableLiveData = MutableLiveData() var isLoadMoreVisible: Boolean = false init { snackBarText.value = "" isRequestResultUpdated.value = false isFavoritesUpdated.value = false isLoadMoreVisible = false } fun initFavorites(userName : String? = preferenceStore.getString("userName", null)){ Log.d(tag, "initializing favorites") favoritesSongArray.clear() if (userName == null) { // Display is done by default in the XML. Log.d(tag, "no user name set for favorites") isFavoritesUpdated.value = true return } val favoritesUserUrl = String.format(Locale.getDefault(), favoritesUrl, userName) val scrapeFavorites : (Any?) -> JSONArray = { JSONArray(URL(favoritesUserUrl).readText()) } val postFavorites : (Any?) -> Unit = { val res = it as JSONArray for (i in 0 until (res).length()) { val item = res.getJSONObject(i) val artistTitle = item.getString("meta") val id : Int? = if (item.isNull("tracks_id")) null else item.getInt("tracks_id") val lastRequested : Int? = if (item.isNull("lastrequested")) null else item.getInt("lastrequested") val lastPlayed : Int? = if (item.isNull("lastplayed")) null else item.getInt("lastplayed") val requestCount : Int? = if (item.isNull("requestcount")) null else item.getInt("requestcount") val isRequestable = (coolDown(lastPlayed, lastRequested, requestCount) < 0) //Log.d(tag, "val : $id") favoritesSongArray.add(Song(artistTitle, id ?: 0, isRequestable)) } Log.d(tag, "favorites : $favoritesSongArray") isFavoritesUpdated.value = true } Async(scrapeFavorites, postFavorites, ActionOnError.NOTIFY) } fun search(query: String) { responseArray.clear() requestSongArray.clear() localQuery = query searchPage(query, 1) // the searchPage function is recursive to get all pages. } private fun searchPage(query: String, pageNumber : Int) { val searchURL = String.format(Locale.getDefault(), searchUrl, query, pageNumber) val scrape : (Any?) -> JSONObject = { val res = URL(searchURL).readText() val json = JSONObject(res) json } val post : (Any?) -> Unit = { val response = RequestResponse(it as JSONObject) responseArray.add(response) for (i in 0 until response.songs.size) { requestSongArray.add(response.songs[i]) } isRequestResultUpdated.value = true if (requestSongArray.size >= songThreshold) { isLoadMoreVisible = true } else { if (response.currentPage < response.lastPage) searchPage(query, pageNumber + 1) // recursive call to get the next page else finishSearch() } } Async(scrape, post, ActionOnError.NOTIFY) } private fun finishSearch() { isLoadMoreVisible = false } fun reset() { requestSongArray.clear() responseArray.clear() isRequestResultUpdated.value = false songThreshold = songThresholdStep } fun loadMore() { songThreshold += songThresholdStep searchPage(localQuery, responseArray.last().currentPage + 1) } /** * Scrape the website for the CSRF token required for requesting * scrapeToken and postToken are the two lambas run by the Async() class. */ private val scrapeToken : (Any?) -> Any? = { val radioSearchUrl = "" var searchURL: URL? = null var retVal: String? = null var reader: BufferedReader? = null CookieHandler.setDefault(cookieManager) // it[0] ?? try { searchURL = URL(radioSearchUrl) } catch (e: MalformedURLException) { e.printStackTrace() } try { reader = BufferedReader(InputStreamReader(searchURL!!.openStream(), "UTF-8")) var line: String? line = reader.readLine() while (line != null) { line = line.trim { it <= ' ' } val p = Pattern.compile("value=\"(\\w+)\"") val m = p.matcher(line) if (line.startsWith(" (Unit) = { token = it as String? } /** * Request the song with the CSRF token that was scraped */ private val requestSong: (Any?) -> Any? = { val reqString = it as String var response = "" try { val reqURL = URL(reqString) val conn = reqURL.openConnection() as HttpsURLConnection val tokenObject = JSONObject() tokenObject.put("_token", token) val requestBytes = tokenObject.toString().toByteArray() conn.requestMethod = "POST" conn.doOutput = true conn.doInput = true conn.setChunkedStreamingMode(0) conn.setRequestProperty("Content-Type", "application/json") val os = conn.outputStream os.write(requestBytes) val responseCode = conn.responseCode if (responseCode == HttpsURLConnection.HTTP_OK) { var line: String? val br = BufferedReader(InputStreamReader( conn.inputStream)) line = br.readLine() while (line != null) { response += line line = br.readLine() } } else { response += "" } } catch (ex: IOException) { ex.printStackTrace() } catch (ex: JSONException) { ex.printStackTrace() } response } private val postSong : (Any?) -> (Unit) = { val response = JSONObject(it as String) val key = response.names()!!.get(0) as String val value = response.getString(key) snackBarText.postValue(addRequestMeta + value) } fun request(songID: Int?) { val requestSongUrl = String.format(requestUrl, songID!!) if (token == null) { Async(scrapeToken, postToken, ActionOnError.NOTIFY) } Async(requestSong, postSong, ActionOnError.NOTIFY, requestSongUrl) } fun raF() : Song { // request a random favorite song. HELL YEAH val requestableSongArray = ArrayList() for (i in 0 until favoritesSongArray.size) { if (favoritesSongArray[i].isRequestable && (favoritesSongArray[i].id ?: 0) > 0) requestableSongArray.add(favoritesSongArray[i]) } return if (requestableSongArray.isNotEmpty()) { val songNbr = Random(System.currentTimeMillis()).nextInt(1, requestableSongArray.size) requestableSongArray[songNbr] } else { Song("No song requestable - ") } } companion object { val instance by lazy { Requestor() } } }