package fr.forum_thalie.tsumugi.ui.songs.queuelp import android.os.Bundle import android.util.Log import import android.view.LayoutInflater import android.view.View import android.view.ViewGroup import androidx.lifecycle.Observer import androidx.recyclerview.widget.LinearLayoutManager import androidx.recyclerview.widget.RecyclerView import fr.forum_thalie.tsumugi.R import fr.forum_thalie.tsumugi.playerstore.PlayerStore /** * A simple [Fragment] subclass. * Activities that contain this fragment must implement the * [LastPlayedFragment.OnFragmentInteractionListener] interface * to handle interaction events. * Use the [LastPlayedFragment.newInstance] factory method to * create an instance of this fragment. */ class LastPlayedFragment : Fragment() { private val lastPlayedFragmentTag = private lateinit var recyclerView: RecyclerView private lateinit var viewAdapter: RecyclerView.Adapter<*> private lateinit var viewManager: RecyclerView.LayoutManager private val queueObserver = Observer { //[REMOVE LOG CALLS]Log.d(tag, lastPlayedFragmentTag + "queue changed") viewAdapter.notifyDataSetChanged() } override fun onCreateView( inflater: LayoutInflater, container: ViewGroup?, savedInstanceState: Bundle? ): View? { // Inflate the layout for this fragment val root = inflater.inflate(R.layout.fragment_last_played, container, false) viewManager = LinearLayoutManager(context) viewAdapter = SongAdaptater(PlayerStore.instance.lp) recyclerView = root.findViewById( { // use this setting to improve performance if you know that changes // in content do not change the layout size of the RecyclerView setHasFixedSize(true) // use a linear layout manager layoutManager = viewManager // specify an viewAdapter (see also next example) adapter = viewAdapter } PlayerStore.instance.isLpUpdated.observeForever(queueObserver) return root } override fun onDestroyView() { PlayerStore.instance.isLpUpdated.removeObserver(queueObserver) super.onDestroyView() } /** * This interface must be implemented by activities that contain this * fragment to allow an interaction in this fragment to be communicated * to the activity and potentially other fragments contained in that * activity. * * * See the Android Training lesson [Communicating with Other Fragments] * ( * for more information. */ interface OnFragmentInteractionListener companion object { @JvmStatic fun newInstance() = LastPlayedFragment() } }