ADD SOME URL HERE Tsumugi Tsumugi Songs Chat News Planning Now playing: %1$s radio_root_id Volume: Up next : Current programme : Now streaming Error loading WebView. Try downloading Google Chrome on Google Play, or enabling it if you disabled it. Settings Submit a bug (GitHub) Tsumugi Stream Service fr.forum_thalie.tsumugi.PLAYER_SERVICE Stay visible, can be closed with \"OK\" button Disappear after some time Every day Working days Song copied to clipboard! Listeners r/a/dio icon Split Now Playing screen in 2 blocks when device is horizontal Keep the same layout when horizontal as in vertical Sleep timer Disable You need to restart the app to apply the changes for this setting. Alarm One minute before the end of the timer, the volume will gradually decrease. Disable Select at least one day No alarm set Next alarm: Last played Planning Programme régulier Use as alarm clock Set time Select days of the week Set snooze duration (minutes) Volume at startup Use horizontal split layout Make Snackbars persistent Alarm Sleep timer Customize app behavior Submit a bug (opens GitHub in a web browser) Sleep - close app after some time Set duration (minutes) Will close in %1$d minutes Set update period when stopped Refreshing data… Refresh data Auto play when plugging headphones Settings Test and change alarm volume Touch this to listen to the alarm volume and set it up The radio stream is now started in alarm mode. Adjust the volume with the volume buttons on your device. Done