package fr.forum_thalie.tsumugi.playerstore import android.content.Context import import import import android.util.Log import androidx.lifecycle.MutableLiveData import fr.forum_thalie.tsumugi.* import org.json.JSONObject import import java.text.ParseException import java.text.SimpleDateFormat import java.util.* import kotlin.collections.ArrayList class PlayerStore { private lateinit var urlToScrape: String val isPlaying: MutableLiveData = MutableLiveData() val isServiceStarted: MutableLiveData = MutableLiveData() val volume: MutableLiveData = MutableLiveData() val playbackState: MutableLiveData = MutableLiveData() val currentTime: MutableLiveData = MutableLiveData() val streamerPicture: MutableLiveData = MutableLiveData() val streamerName: MutableLiveData = MutableLiveData() val currentSong : Song = Song() val currentSongBackup: Song = Song() val lp : ArrayList = ArrayList() val queue : ArrayList = ArrayList() val isQueueUpdated: MutableLiveData = MutableLiveData() val isLpUpdated: MutableLiveData = MutableLiveData() val isMuted : MutableLiveData = MutableLiveData() val listenersCount: MutableLiveData = MutableLiveData() var latencyCompensator : Long = 0 var isInitialized: Boolean = false var isStreamDown: Boolean = false init { playbackState.value = PlaybackStateCompat.STATE_STOPPED isPlaying.value = false isServiceStarted.value = false streamerName.value = "" volume.value = preferenceStore.getInt("volume", 100) currentTime.value = System.currentTimeMillis() isQueueUpdated.value = false isLpUpdated.value = false isMuted.value = false currentSong.title.value = noConnectionValue currentSongBackup.title.value = noConnectionValue listenersCount.value = 0 } fun initUrl(c: Context) { urlToScrape = c.getString(R.string.API_URL) } private fun getTimestamp(s: String) : Long { val dateFormat = SimpleDateFormat("yyyy-MM-dd hh:mm:ss", Locale.getDefault()) try { val t: Date? = dateFormat.parse(s) return t!!.time } catch (e: ParseException) { e.printStackTrace() } return 0 } // ################################################## // ################# API FUNCTIONS ################## // ################################################## private fun updateApi(res: JSONObject, isCompensatingLatency : Boolean = false) { // If we're not in PLAYING state, update title / artist metadata. If we're playing, the ICY will take care of that. val resMain = res.getJSONObject("tracks").getJSONObject("current") if (playbackState.value != PlaybackStateCompat.STATE_PLAYING || currentSong.title.value.isNullOrEmpty() || currentSong.title.value == noConnectionValue) currentSong.setTitleArtist(resMain.getString("name")) val starts = getTimestamp(resMain.getString("starts")) val ends = getTimestamp(resMain.getString("ends")) if (currentSong.startTime.value != starts) currentSong.startTime.value = starts currentSong.stopTime.value = ends // I noticed that the server has a big (3 to 9 seconds !!) offset for current time. // we can measure it when the player is playing, to compensate it and have our progress bar perfectly timed // latencyCompensator is set to null when beginPlaying() (we can't measure it at the moment we start playing, since we're in the middle of a song), // at this moment, we set it to 0. Then, next time the updateApi is called when we're playing, we measure the latency and we set out latencyComparator. if(isCompensatingLatency) { latencyCompensator = getTimestamp(res.getJSONObject("station").getString("schedulerTime")) - (currentSong.startTime.value ?: getTimestamp(res.getJSONObject("station").getString("schedulerTime"))) Log.d(tag, playerStoreTag + "latency compensator set to ${(latencyCompensator).toFloat()/1000} s") } currentTime.value = getTimestamp(res.getJSONObject("station").getString("schedulerTime")) - (latencyCompensator) /* val listeners = resMain.getInt("listeners") listenersCount.value = listeners Log.d(tag, playerStoreTag + "store updated") */ } private val scrape : (Any?) -> String = { URL(urlToScrape).readText() } /* initApi is called : - at startup - when a streamer changes. the idea is to fetch the queue when a streamer changes (potentially Hanyuu), and at startup. The Last Played is only fetched if it's empty (so, only at startup), not when a streamer changes. */ fun initApi() { val post : (parameter: Any?) -> Unit = { val result = JSONObject(it as String) if (result.has("tracks")) { updateApi(result) currentSongBackup.copy(currentSong) isQueueUpdated.value = true isLpUpdated.value = true } isInitialized = true } Async(scrape, post) } fun fetchApi(isCompensatingLatency: Boolean = false) { val post: (parameter: Any?) -> Unit = { val result = JSONObject(it as String) if (!result.isNull("tracks")) { updateApi(result, isCompensatingLatency) } } Async(scrape, post) } private fun extractSong(songJSON: JSONObject) : Song { val song = Song() song.setTitleArtist(songJSON.getString("meta")) song.startTime.value = songJSON.getLong("timestamp") song.stopTime.value = song.startTime.value song.type.value = songJSON.getInt("type") return song } // ################################################## // ############## QUEUE / LP FUNCTIONS ############## // ################################################## fun updateLp() { // note : lp is empty at initialization. This check was needed when we used the R/a/dio API. //if (lp.isNotEmpty()){ val n = Song() n.copy(currentSongBackup) if (n.title.value != noConnectionValue && n.title.value != streamDownValue) lp.add(0, n) currentSongBackup.copy(currentSong) isLpUpdated.value = true Log.d(tag, playerStoreTag + lp.toString()) //} } // ################################################## // ############## PICTURE FUNCTIONS ################# // ################################################## fun initPicture(c: Context) { streamerPicture.value = BitmapFactory.decodeResource(c.resources, R.drawable.logo_roundsquare ) } private val playerStoreTag = "====PlayerStore====" companion object { val instance by lazy { PlayerStore() } } }