A new Riff-radio.org site with a static approach.

1.rst 884B

  1. .. title: Welcome to Nikola
  2. .. slug: welcome-to-nikola
  3. .. date: 2012-03-30 23:00:00 UTC-03:00
  4. .. tags: nikola, python, demo, blog
  5. .. author: Roberto Alsina
  6. .. link: https://getnikola.com/
  7. .. description:
  8. .. category: nikola
  9. .. figure:: https://farm1.staticflickr.com/138/352972944_4f9d568680.jpg
  10. :target: https://farm1.staticflickr.com/138/352972944_4f9d568680_z.jpg?zz=1
  11. :class: thumbnail
  12. :alt: Nikola Tesla Corner by nicwest, on Flickr
  13. If you can see this in a web browser, it means you managed to install Nikola,
  14. and build a site using it. Congratulations!
  15. Next steps:
  16. * :doc:`Read the manual <handbook>`
  17. * `Visit the Nikola website to learn more <https://getnikola.com>`__
  18. * `See a demo photo gallery <link://gallery/demo>`__
  19. * :doc:`See a demo listing <listings-demo>`
  20. * :doc:`See a demo of a longer text <dr-nikolas-vendetta>`
  21. Send feedback to info@getnikola.com!