NowPlayingFragment.kt 13KB

  1. package fr.forum_thalie.tsumugi.ui.nowplaying
  2. import android.annotation.SuppressLint
  3. import android.content.ClipboardManager
  4. import android.content.Context
  5. import androidx.lifecycle.ViewModelProviders
  6. import android.os.Bundle
  7. import
  8. import android.util.Log
  9. import android.util.TypedValue
  10. import
  11. import android.view.LayoutInflater
  12. import android.view.View
  13. import android.view.ViewGroup
  14. import android.widget.*
  15. import androidx.constraintlayout.widget.ConstraintLayout
  16. import androidx.constraintlayout.widget.ConstraintSet
  17. import androidx.core.widget.TextViewCompat
  18. import androidx.lifecycle.Observer
  19. import
  20. import
  21. import fr.forum_thalie.tsumugi.*
  22. import fr.forum_thalie.tsumugi.alarm.RadioSleeper
  23. import fr.forum_thalie.tsumugi.planning.Planning
  24. import fr.forum_thalie.tsumugi.playerstore.PlayerStore
  25. import fr.forum_thalie.tsumugi.playerstore.Song
  26. import*
  27. class NowPlayingFragment : Fragment() {
  28. private lateinit var root: View
  29. private lateinit var nowPlayingViewModel: NowPlayingViewModel
  30. @SuppressLint("SetTextI18n")
  31. override fun onCreateView(
  32. inflater: LayoutInflater,
  33. container: ViewGroup?,
  34. savedInstanceState: Bundle?
  35. ): View? {
  36. nowPlayingViewModel = ViewModelProviders.of(this).get(
  37. root = inflater.inflate(R.layout.fragment_nowplaying, container, false)
  38. // View bindings to the ViewModel
  39. val songTitleText: TextView = root.findViewById(
  40. val songArtistText: TextView = root.findViewById(
  41. val seekBarVolume: SeekBar = root.findViewById(
  42. val volumeText: TextView = root.findViewById(
  43. val progressBar: ProgressBar = root.findViewById(
  44. val volumeIconImage : ImageView = root.findViewById(
  45. val streamerPictureImageView: ImageView = root.findViewById(
  46. // Note: these values are not used in the generic app, but if you want to, you can use them.
  47. val songTitleNextText: TextView = root.findViewById(
  48. //val songArtistNextText: TextView = root.findViewById(
  49. /*
  50. val streamerNameText : TextView = root.findViewById(
  51. val listenersText : TextView = root.findViewById(
  52. */
  53. /*
  54. TextViewCompat.setAutoSizeTextTypeUniformWithConfiguration(
  55. streamerNameText,8, 20, 2, TypedValue.COMPLEX_UNIT_SP)
  56. TextViewCompat.setAutoSizeTextTypeUniformWithConfiguration(
  57. listenersText,8, 16, 2, TypedValue.COMPLEX_UNIT_SP)
  58. */
  59. /*
  60. // trick : I can't observe the queue because it's an ArrayDeque that doesn't trigger any change...
  61. // so I observe a dedicated Mutable that gets set when the queue is updated.
  62. PlayerStore.instance.isQueueUpdated.observe(viewLifecycleOwner, Observer {
  63. val t = if (PlayerStore.instance.queue.size > 0) PlayerStore.instance.queue[0] else Song("No queue - ") // (it.peekFirst != null ? it.peekFirst : Song() )
  64. songTitleNextText.text = t.title.value
  65. songArtistNextText.text = t.artist.value
  66. })
  67. PlayerStore.instance.streamerName.observe(viewLifecycleOwner, Observer {
  68. streamerNameText.text = it
  69. })
  70. PlayerStore.instance.listenersCount.observe(viewLifecycleOwner, Observer {
  71. listenersText.text = "${getString(R.string.listeners)}: $it"
  72. })
  73. */
  74. PlayerStore.instance.currentSong.title.observe(viewLifecycleOwner, Observer {
  75. songTitleText.text = it
  76. })
  77. Planning.instance.currentProgramme.observe(viewLifecycleOwner, Observer {
  78. songTitleNextText.text = it
  79. })
  80. PlayerStore.instance.currentSong.artist.observe(viewLifecycleOwner, Observer {
  81. songArtistText.text = it
  82. })
  83. PlayerStore.instance.playbackState.observe(viewLifecycleOwner, Observer {
  84. syncPlayPauseButtonImage(root)
  85. })
  86. fun volumeIcon(it: Int)
  87. {
  88. volumeText.text = "$it%"
  89. when {
  90. it > 66 -> volumeIconImage.setImageResource(R.drawable.ic_volume_high)
  91. it in 33..66 -> volumeIconImage.setImageResource(R.drawable.ic_volume_medium)
  92. it in 0..33 -> volumeIconImage.setImageResource(R.drawable.ic_volume_low)
  93. else -> volumeIconImage.setImageResource(R.drawable.ic_volume_off)
  94. }
  95. }
  96. PlayerStore.instance.volume.observe(viewLifecycleOwner, Observer {
  97. volumeIcon(it)
  98. seekBarVolume.progress = it // this updates the seekbar if it's set by something else when going to sleep.
  99. })
  100. PlayerStore.instance.isMuted.observe(viewLifecycleOwner, Observer {
  101. if (it)
  102. volumeIconImage.setImageResource(R.drawable.ic_volume_off)
  103. else
  104. volumeIcon(PlayerStore.instance.volume.value!!)
  105. })
  106. PlayerStore.instance.streamerPicture.observe(viewLifecycleOwner, Observer { pic ->
  107. streamerPictureImageView.setImageBitmap(pic)
  108. })
  109. // fuck it, do it on main thread
  110. PlayerStore.instance.currentTime.observe(viewLifecycleOwner, Observer {
  111. val dd = (PlayerStore.instance.currentTime.value!! - PlayerStore.instance.currentSong.startTime.value!!).toInt()
  112. progressBar.progress = dd
  113. })
  114. PlayerStore.instance.currentSong.stopTime.observe(viewLifecycleOwner, Observer {
  115. val dd = (PlayerStore.instance.currentSong.stopTime.value!! - PlayerStore.instance.currentSong.startTime.value!!).toInt()
  116. progressBar.max = dd
  117. })
  118. PlayerStore.instance.currentSong.stopTime.observe(viewLifecycleOwner, Observer {
  119. val t : TextView= root.findViewById(
  120. val minutes: String = ((PlayerStore.instance.currentSong.stopTime.value!! - PlayerStore.instance.currentSong.startTime.value!!)/60/1000).toString()
  121. val seconds: String = ((PlayerStore.instance.currentSong.stopTime.value!! - PlayerStore.instance.currentSong.startTime.value!!)/1000%60).toString()
  122. t.text = "$minutes:${if (seconds.toInt() < 10) "0" else ""}$seconds"
  123. })
  124. PlayerStore.instance.currentTime.observe(viewLifecycleOwner, Observer {
  125. val t : TextView= root.findViewById(
  126. val minutes: String = ((PlayerStore.instance.currentTime.value!! - PlayerStore.instance.currentSong.startTime.value!!)/60/1000).toString()
  127. val seconds: String = ((PlayerStore.instance.currentTime.value!! - PlayerStore.instance.currentSong.startTime.value!!)/1000%60).toString()
  128. t.text = "$minutes:${if (seconds.toInt() < 10) "0" else ""}$seconds"
  129. val sleepInfoText = root.findViewById<TextView>(
  130. val sleepAtMillis = RadioSleeper.instance.sleepAtMillis.value
  131. if (sleepAtMillis != null)
  132. {
  133. val duration = ((sleepAtMillis - System.currentTimeMillis()).toFloat() / (60f * 1000f) + 1).toInt() // I put 1 + it because the division rounds to the lower integer. I'd like to display the round up, like it's usually done.
  134. sleepInfoText.text = String.format(getString(R.string.willCloseIn), duration) // "Will close in $duration minute${if (duration > 1) "s" else ""}"
  135. sleepInfoText.visibility = View.VISIBLE
  136. } else {
  137. sleepInfoText.visibility = View.GONE
  138. }
  139. })
  140. seekBarVolume.setOnSeekBarChangeListener(nowPlayingViewModel.seekBarChangeListener)
  141. seekBarVolume.progress = PlayerStore.instance.volume.value!!
  142. progressBar.max = 1000
  143. progressBar.progress = 0
  144. syncPlayPauseButtonImage(root)
  145. // initialize the value for isPlaying when displaying the fragment
  146. PlayerStore.instance.isPlaying.value = PlayerStore.instance.playbackState.value == PlaybackStateCompat.STATE_PLAYING
  147. val button: ImageButton = root.findViewById(
  148. button.setOnClickListener{
  149. PlayerStore.instance.isPlaying.value = PlayerStore.instance.playbackState.value == PlaybackStateCompat.STATE_STOPPED
  150. }
  151. val setClipboardListener: View.OnLongClickListener = View.OnLongClickListener {
  152. val text = PlayerStore.instance.currentSong.artist.value + " - " + PlayerStore.instance.currentSong.title.value
  153. val clipboard = context!!.getSystemService(Context.CLIPBOARD_SERVICE) as ClipboardManager
  154. val clip = android.content.ClipData.newPlainText("Copied Text", text)
  155. clipboard.setPrimaryClip(clip)
  156. val snackBarLength = if (preferenceStore.getBoolean("snackbarPersistent", true))
  158. else Snackbar.LENGTH_LONG
  159. val snackBar = Snackbar.make(it, "", snackBarLength)
  160. if (snackBarLength == Snackbar.LENGTH_INDEFINITE)
  161. snackBar.setAction("OK") { snackBar.dismiss() }
  162. snackBar.behavior = BaseTransientBottomBar.Behavior().apply {
  163. setSwipeDirection(BaseTransientBottomBar.Behavior.SWIPE_DIRECTION_ANY)
  164. }
  165. snackBar.setText(getString(R.string.song_to_clipboard))
  167. true
  168. }
  169. songTitleText.setOnLongClickListener(setClipboardListener)
  170. songArtistText.setOnLongClickListener(setClipboardListener)
  171. if (preferenceStore.getBoolean("splitLayout", true))
  172. root.addOnLayoutChangeListener(splitLayoutListener)
  173. return root
  174. }
  175. private val splitLayoutListener : View.OnLayoutChangeListener = View.OnLayoutChangeListener { _: View, _: Int, _: Int, _: Int, _: Int, _: Int, _: Int, _: Int, _: Int ->
  176. val isSplitLayout = preferenceStore.getBoolean("splitLayout", true)
  177. val viewHeight = (root.rootView?.height ?: 1)
  178. val viewWidth = (root.rootView?.width ?: 1)
  179. val newRatio = if (viewWidth > 0)
  180. (viewHeight*100)/viewWidth
  181. else
  182. 100
  183. if (isSplitLayout && nowPlayingViewModel.screenRatio != newRatio) {
  184. onOrientation()
  185. }
  186. }
  187. override fun onViewStateRestored(savedInstanceState: Bundle?) {
  188. onOrientation()
  189. super.onViewStateRestored(savedInstanceState)
  190. }
  191. private fun onOrientation() {
  192. val viewHeight = (root.rootView?.height ?: 1)
  193. val viewWidth = (root.rootView?.width ?: 1)
  194. val isSplitLayout = preferenceStore.getBoolean("splitLayout", true)
  195. // modify layout to adapt for portrait/landscape
  196. val isLandscape = viewHeight.toDouble()/viewWidth.toDouble() < 1
  197. val parentLayout = root.findViewById<ConstraintLayout>(
  198. val constraintSet = ConstraintSet()
  199. constraintSet.clone(parentLayout)
  200. if (isLandscape && isSplitLayout)
  201. {
  202. constraintSet.connect(, ConstraintSet.BOTTOM,, ConstraintSet.BOTTOM)
  203. constraintSet.connect(, ConstraintSet.END,, ConstraintSet.END)
  204. constraintSet.connect(, ConstraintSet.TOP,, ConstraintSet.TOP)
  205. constraintSet.connect(, ConstraintSet.START,, ConstraintSet.END)
  206. constraintSet.setMargin(, ConstraintSet.END, 16)
  207. constraintSet.setMargin(, ConstraintSet.START, 16)
  208. } else {
  209. constraintSet.connect(, ConstraintSet.BOTTOM,, ConstraintSet.BOTTOM)
  210. constraintSet.connect(, ConstraintSet.END,, ConstraintSet.END)
  211. constraintSet.connect(, ConstraintSet.TOP,, ConstraintSet.BOTTOM)
  212. constraintSet.connect(, ConstraintSet.START,, ConstraintSet.START)
  213. constraintSet.setMargin(, ConstraintSet.END, 0)
  214. constraintSet.setMargin(, ConstraintSet.START, 0)
  215. }
  216. constraintSet.applyTo(parentLayout)
  217. // note : we have to COMPARE numbers that are FRACTIONS. And everyone knows that we should NEVER compare DOUBLES because of the imprecision at the end.
  218. // So instead, I multiply the result by 100 (to give 2 significant numbers), and do an INTEGER DIVISION. This is the right way to compare ratios.
  219. nowPlayingViewModel.screenRatio = if (viewWidth > 0)
  220. (viewHeight*100)/viewWidth
  221. else
  222. 100
  223. //[REMOVE LOG CALLS]Log.d(tag, "orientation set")
  224. }
  225. override fun onResume() {
  226. super.onResume()
  227. onOrientation()
  228. }
  229. private fun syncPlayPauseButtonImage(v: View)
  230. {
  231. val img = v.findViewById<ImageButton>(
  232. if (PlayerStore.instance.playbackState.value == PlaybackStateCompat.STATE_STOPPED) {
  233. img.setImageResource(R.drawable.exo_controls_play)
  234. } else {
  235. img.setImageResource(R.drawable.exo_controls_pause)
  236. }
  237. }
  238. }