Updated 5 years ago

Python3 program allowing to download lives from archive.org

Updated 5 years ago

Projet de classification de conformations de protéines par k-medoids

Updated 4 years ago

Réimplémentation du programme DSSP en Python

Updated 4 years ago

TP métagénomique

Updated 4 years ago

TP2 de métagénomique, infection urinaire

Updated 4 years ago

tp assemblage cours amine ghozlane

Updated 4 years ago

projet de deep-learning. Apprentissage de poches de liaison de protéines-ligands

Updated 4 years ago

Grille des programmes de Riff en HTML CSS JS.

Updated 3 years ago

CMS ultra léger au style oldschool, projet de la communauté Kalaïn Hundin.

Updated 3 years ago

Updated 2 years ago

Simple PHP IRC web client using Ajax calls.

Updated 2 years ago

irclib -- Internet Relay Chat (IRC) protocol client library

Updated 1 year ago

Turn audio into a shareable video. forked from nypublicradio/audiogram

Updated 1 year ago

Updated 1 year ago

A new Riff-radio.org site with a static approach.

Updated 1 year ago

Remove wordpress.

Updated 9 months ago

Updated 4 months ago

A tumblelog CMS built on AJAX, PHP and MySQL.

Updated 3 months ago

A tumblelog CMS built on AJAX, PHP and MySQL.

Updated 2 months ago